Red, white, and blue NASA meatball logo Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology


Colorful radar image of the Mississippi Delta

< Publications

Final Data

These are the final datasets that were inputs or were published in this paper:

Cortese, L., Donatelli, C., Zhang, X., Nghiem, J.A., Simard, M., Jones, C.E., Denbina, M., Fichot, C.G., Harringmeyer, J.P. and Fagherazzi, S., 2023. Coupling numerical models of deltaic wetlands with AirSWOT, UAVSAR, and AVIRIS-NG remote sensing data. Biogeosciences Discussions, 2023, pp.1-28.
DOI: 10.5194/bg-21-241-2024


Comparison between AVIRIS-NG and the modeled sediment concentrations in the Wax Lake Delta with the effect of waves. Scenarios show model results with different critical shear stresses for clay (τcr,1) and silt (τcr,2).

If you end up using this data, please cite Delta-X with this acknowledgement:
The NASA Delta-X project is funded by the Science Mission Directorate’s Earth Science Division through the Earth Venture Suborbital-3 Program NNH17ZDA001N-EVS3.

All Delta-X final datasets are accessible from the Data Download page.