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California Institute of Technology


Colorful radar image of the Mississippi Delta

Meetings & Presentations

2024 Delta-X Science Team Meeting

December 8  |  Washington, DC  |  Agenda

This is an event for the Delta-X Science Team, the Program Scientist, and university collaborators to meet and discuss project status, deliverables, publications, and future work.

2024 Delta-X Applications Workshop

May 8–9  |  Baton Rouge, Louisiana  |  Agenda & Instructions

In this two-day workshop, the scientists will present Delta-X models and their inputs/outputs in the form of lecture presentations, hands-on data access demonstrations, and data analysis methods tutorials mostly in the form of Jupyter Notebook content.

To attend virtually, register here.

2023 AGU Fall Meeting

December 11–15  |  San Francisco, California


B13B-04: Using airborne InSAR to map channel networks and overbank flow in coastal wetlands
Bhuvan Kumaru Varugu, Cathleen Jones, Talib Oliver-Cabrera

EP31B-02: Modeling vegetation-specific accretion and soil formation across the Atchafalaya Basin to quantify the role of abiotic and biotic processes in wetland resilience
Muriel Zazie Madeleine Brückner, Paola Passalacqua, Kyle A Wright, Andy Fontenot, Robert Twilley, Andre Rovai

EP31B-04: Coupling numerical models of deltaic wetlands with AirSWOT, UAVSAR, and AVIRIS-NG remote sensing data
Luca Cortese, et al.

EP42B-06: Beyond a Friction Coefficient: The Role of Vegetation in Channel-Floodplain Connectivity and Low-Gradient Landscape Evolution
Paola Passalacqua, et al.

EP43A-02: Controls and Consistency of Mud Floc Observations in a Freshwater River Delta
Justin Anh-Khoa Nghiem, et al.

H23F-05: Observing and modeling the hydrodynamic factors controlling the fate of river deltas: from Delta-X to SWOT, NISAR and STV missions.
Marc Simard, Pascal Matte, Alexandra Christensen, Raphael Savelli, Cathleen Jones, Sergio Fagherazzi, Paola Passalacqua


B11I-1890: Tracking Seasonal and Event-Driven Wetland Vegetation Dynamics Using Satellite Remote Sensing
Alexandra Christensen, Marc Simard, Robert Twilley, Edward Castañeda-Moya, Daniel Jensen

EP33D-2148: The influence of seasonal variations in river flow on tidal propagation and water circulation in the Mississippi Delta
Antoine Soloy, et al.

EP33D-2149: Modeling mud as flocculated bed-material load in rivers and deltas
Dongchen Wang, et al.

EP33D-2151: Using Repeat Lidar Surveys To Measure Elevation Change In Deltaic Environments: A Case Study in Wax Lake Delta, Louisiana
Hussain Alqattan, Michael Lamb

NH51C-0469: Wet Troposphere Identification on L-band InSAR Measurements: Implications for NISAR
Talib Oliver-Cabrera, Cathleen Jones, Marc Simard, Bhuvan Kumaru Varugu, Saoussen Belhadj-Aissa

2023 Delta-X Open Data Workshop

June 5, 10–12:20PM ET  |  Boston, Massachusetts & WebEx  |  Agenda

Learn about the 2021 Spring and Fall campaign data and derived products over the Mississippi River Delta floodplain.

2022 EGU Meeting

May 23–27  |  Vienna, Austria


EGU22-2073: Towards sustainable landscapes: insights from the network and connectivity
View data & model  |  Abstract
Paola Passalacqua

EGU22-2072: Connected or disconnected? Spatial and temporal patterns of river-floodplain connectivity
View data & model  |  Abstract
Paola Passalacqua, Kyle Wright, Nelson Tull, Hima Hassenruck-Gudipati, and David Mohrig

2022 Delta-X Applications Workshop

May 4–5  |  Baton Rouge, Louisiana

In this two-day workshop, the scientists covered an introduction to Delta-X datasets and steps for analyzing field, airborne, and modeling datasets. Scientists presented material in the form of lecture presentations, hands-on data access demonstrations, and data analysis methods tutorials mostly in the form of Jupyter Notebook content. View all resources at the ORNL DAAC.

2021 AGU Fall Meeting

December 13–17  |  New Orleans, Louisiana


EP31B-06: Seasonality and Asynchrony of Bank Vegetation and Riverine Suspended Sediment Concentrations in Global Deltas
John M. Mallard, Tamlin Pavelsky, Evan B Goldstein, Simon Topp, and Matthew Ross

EP31B-07. Assessing global changes in extents and trends in river deltas with the Landsat catalog
Daniel Jensen, Marc Simard, Alexandra Christensen, and Charles Marshak

EP34C-01. Vegetation promotes water retention in deltaic wetlands Abstract
Sergio Fagherazzi, Xiaohe Zhang, Paola Passalacqua, Cathleen Jones, and Marc Simard

EP34C-04. Improving channel hydrological connectivity in coastal hydrodynamic models with remote-sensed channel networks
Xiaohe Zhang, Kyle A Wright, Paola Passalacqua, Marc Simard, and Sergio Fagherazzi

EP34C-05. (Model) Form Follows Function: Connectivity-Preserving Mesh Construction using Multi-Source Remote Sensing and Image Processing
View data & model  |  Abstract
Kyle A Wright and Paola Passalacqua

EP34C-06. Mapping Suspended Sediment Properties in the Louisiana Delta Using Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy for Modeling of Sediment Dynamics
Joshua P Harringmeyer, Nilotpal Ghosh, Matthew W. Weiser, David R Thompson, Xiaohui Zhu, and Cedric G Fichot

EP34C-07: Recent decline in wind-driven wave energy decreases nearshore sediment availability to Louisiana salt marshes
Cedric G Fichot, Song Jin, Sergio Fagherazzi, Steven E Lohrenz, Yongxue Liu

EP52A-01. Washload or bed sediment entrainment? Predicting mud concentrations in Wax Lake Delta, Louisiana.
View data & model  |  Abstract
Gerard Salter, Kyle A Wright, Justin Anh-Khoa Nghiem, Gen Li, Kenny Thai, Paola Passalacqua, Daniel Jensen, Marc Simard and Michael P. Lamb

EP52A-03. Comparing the Nourishment Areas and Dynamics of Different Fluvially-Transported Materials in River Deltas
View data & model  |  Abstract
Kyle A Wright, Jayaram Hariharan, Paola Passalacqua, Gerard Salter, Michael P Lamb, and Marc Simard

G43A-07. InSAR Phase Unwrapping Error Correction for Rapid Repeat Measurements of Water Level Change in Wetlands.
Talib Oliver-Cabrera, Cathleen Jones, Zhang Yunjun, and Marc Simard

H13G-04. Delta-X: Resolving Hydrological and Ecological Processes in the Mississippi River Delta
Marc Simard, Cathleen Jones, Michael W Denbina, Daniel Jensen, Talib Oliver-Cabrera, Alexandra Christensen, Edward Castaneda, Andre Rovai, Robert Twilley, Paola Passalacqua, Kyle A Wright, Michael P. Lamb, Tamlin Pavelsky, Sergio Fagherazzi, Cedric G Fichot, Ernesto Rodriguez, Liviu Giosan, David R Thompson, and Delta-X

H51A-06. Hydrodynamics of global deltas and estuaries: an open-source set of models
Alexandra Christensen, Marc Simard, Daniel Jensen, and Charles Marshak


EP35H-1394. Extracting streaklines from remotely sensed suspended sediment concentration to infer deltaic accretion/erosion rates
Gerard Salter, Sarah Feil, Paola Passalacqua, Kyle A Wright, Daniel Jensen, Marc Simard, and Michael P. Lamb

GC15B-0692. Combined Sun Glint and Vegetation BRDF Correction over Heterogeneous Wetland Land Cover
Evan Greenberg, David R Thompson, Daniel Jensen, Philip A Townsend, Natalie Queally, Adam Chlus, Cedric G Fichot, and Joshua P Harringmeyer

2021 Delta-X Open Data Workshop

November 17  |  Agenda  |  Webex: download MP4 (137 MB)

  1. Introduction to Delta-X: download PDF (7 MB)
  2. Datasets: download PDF (16 MB)
  3. ORNL DAAC: download PDF (12 MB)
  4. Website & Data Search: download PDF (5 MB)