Red, white, and blue NASA meatball logo Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology


Colorful radar image of the Mississippi Delta

< Publications

Final Data

These are the final datasets that were inputs or were published in this paper:

Harringmeyer, J.P., Ghosh, N., Weiser, M.W., Thompson, D.R., Simard, M., Lohrenz, S.E. and Fichot, C.G., 2024. A hyperspectral view of the nearshore Mississippi River Delta: Characterizing suspended particles in coastal wetlands using imaging spectroscopy. Remote Sensing of Environment, 301, p.113943.
DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2023.113943


Maps of POC and TSS concentrations over Fourleague Bay and Cailou Lake

If you end up using this data, please cite Delta-X with this acknowledgement:
The NASA Delta-X project is funded by the Science Mission Directorate’s Earth Science Division through the Earth Venture Suborbital-3 Program NNH17ZDA001N-EVS3.

All Delta-X final datasets are accessible from the Data Download page.