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California Institute of Technology


Colorful radar image of the Mississippi Delta

< Blog

April 6, 2021

First AirSWOT interferograms

By Marc Simard

We had three aircraft in the air again today and three field teams on the ground collecting data over the Terrebonne West area.

Two team members sit at the front of the boat Today's flights: UAVSAR lines flown 8 times each (big yellow boxes), AVIRIS-NG lines flown 2 times each (red boxes), and AirSWOT lines flown 3 times each (small yellow boxes)

AVIRIS-NG has now collected all vegetation lines, all Atchafalaya WQ lines (2+ tidal conditions), and Terrebonne West WQ lines on two days, both with the WQ team making concurrent measurements.

Congratulations to Michael Denbina who successfully processed the first AirSWOT interferograms for 03/26 and 03/27. Michael has been working tirelessly over the past few months on improving the AirSWOT processor following the instrument upgrade. AirSWOT had several calibration flights before the Delta-X campaign. Thanks Michael.

A black and white AirSWOT radar image with a dB scale AirSWOT backscatter image
Green AirSWOT radar image with a phase scale AirSWOT interferogram image

< April 5, 2021

April 7, 2021 >