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March 23, 2021
Cleaning roots
By Marc Simard
It was a very rainy day and no one could go to the field.
However, the teams kept busy:
- Yes it is true. Delta-X will count roots. How much do you think roots contribute to soil elevation in the Mississippi River Delta? Today, the Vegetation Team cleaned up soil cores extracted by Edward Castañeda, Elena Solohin and Emily Ashberry (Florida International University).
- The Island Team (Caltech) have the boat on location at their cabin. Standing-by.
- The Channel Team (Boston) is still setting up instrumentation to study water quality. Standing-by.
- The ADCP Team revised ADCP transect plans (Bill Gibson and Marc Simard (not in field)). Standing-by.

Looking ahead, Thursday 3/25 may be a great day for field work by all teams. Weather on Friday and Saturday, for now, look good for ’low tide’ flights. Thursday 3/25, we have the honor to have our Delta-X coastal meteorologist, Paul W. Miller, from Louisiana State University, begin bidaily weather forecasts to support flights and field campaigns.