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California Institute of Technology


Colorful radar image of the Mississippi Delta

< Blog

April 4, 2021

Moving to Terrebonne Basin

By Marc Simard

The AVIRIS-NG team attempted a morning collection of Terrebonne vegetation box D but was clouded out. After returning to the airport to refuel, AVIRIS took off again at 11:37 am and was able to successfully complete the Terrebonne vegetation box D and the remaining low priority Terrebonne East lines not collected on Friday.

A map of the bright flight track over the delta AVIRIS collects Terrebonne East lines

The Water Quality and ADCP teams moved to their Terrebonne lodging.

We had our daily Go/No-Go briefing to look at the weather and assess campaign status.

Tomorrow, all aircraft are scheduled to fly.

< April 3, 2021

April 5, 2021 >