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Colorful radar image of the Mississippi Delta

< Blog

September 3, 2021

UAVSAR takes flight!

By Marc Simard

This morning, AirSWOT and UAVSAR flew simultaneously the western side of the Terrebonne basin. AirSWOT repeated its 6-line-set three times. Remember that AirSWOT has been flying since August 21st over the Delta-X study domain, collecting a total of 108 data lines and reliably producing 15.73TB of science data.

Map of AirSWOT flight lines criss-crossing all over Terrebonne basin Today’s AirSWOT flight

Today, UAVSAR successfully executed its Delta-X flight pattern 7 times. UAVSAR even had time to collect an extra two flight lines over New Orleans dedicated to emergency response after Hurricane Ida.

Map of 4 UAVSAR flight lines over the Terrebonne basin Today’s UAVSAR flight

Here is a UAVSAR quick-look image of the radar backscatter measured today that was produced by the onboard processor. The image covers Morgan city to the North down to Four Leagues Bay to the South. The full resolution data will have a ~5 meter pixel spacing.

Black and white radar image of the delta Quick-look UAVSAR image from today's flight over the Terrebonne Basin (click to see full-res)

< September 1, 2021

September 4, 2021 >