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California Institute of Technology


Colorful radar image of the Mississippi Delta

< Blog

April 2, 2021

Interviews with AP

By Marc Simard

All Delta-X airborne instruments flew again today—AirSWOT, UAVSAR and AVIRIS-NG. Delta-X airborne data collection is finished with the Atchafalaya basin!

Three people on a boat with masks and life jackets on, one looking out The Water Quality Team hurries to get measurements in for an AVIRIS-NG overflight

Today was the last field day for Caltech’s Island Team.

Tracing turbidity using the LISST instrument

The Water Quality Team was around Mike Island, out to the Atchafalaya Bay and at tripod locations.

Cedric stands in a boat alongside another boat, presumably with the media inside Cedric Fichot is ready for an interview

Bill collected two cycles of ADCP transects along the Wax Lake Outlet and around the Wax Lake delta fan.

A man stands on a small boat with an instrument sticking out of the front Bill Gibson collects ADCP transects
One man poses and another holds a camera, knee-deep in a marsh Posing in the field

Robert Twilley accompanied a small team from the Associated Press to Mike Island. The AP interviewed the Islands and Water Quality teams as well as Bill with his ADCP. The teams were able to show off the tripods and turbidity sensors.

< April 1, 2021

April 3, 2021 >